1. To archive a property, navigate to the bottom of the Launchpad page and click on your Avatar and select Settings.
2. On the Settings Page, navigate to the Properties section. Navigate to the Active tab and click the โฎ (three vertical dots) next to the property you wish to archive. With the proper permissions, you will see the Request to Archive Property option. Select Request to Archive Property.
3. Populate the following fields: Archive Date, Sale Price (USD), and any additional comments you would like to track. Click Send Request.
4. Once this request is sent, users with Company Admin permissions will receive an email and will be prompted to Approve or Reject the archive request.
5. All the data associated with the archived property, including inquiries, deals, and files will be saved and can be accessed anytime in the Properties page, by filtering the View By dropdown to "Status".
6. Once you filter by Status in the View By drop down menu, you can select to see any properties in the Archived category.
Once the property is archived, users can no longer create additional inquiries or deals, and any active deals and inquiries will be inactivated.
Only users at the Company Admin permission level can Appeal, Approve or Reject Property Archive Requests.
How to Create a Support Ticket
If support is needed for anything, please submit a support ticket. Include a brief note about the issue(s) and Select the Checkbox to Authorize Dottid Support to Edit Your Properties for 7 Days and click Submit.