1. Navigate to the Properties tab on the left-hand side and select a Property. Then, click into the CapEx tab on the top toolbar
2. On the CapEx page you can filter by Building projects or TI projects.
How To Create a Capex Project
1. In the CapEx tab, navigate to the Building section, and select the + Project on the top right hand corner of the screen.
2. Complete the required fields and click Add Project. Once completed, your new project will appear in the CapEx tab, under the Building filter.
How To Create a Tenant Improvement Project
1. In the CapEx tab, navigate to the TI section, and select the + Project on the top right hand corner of the screen.
2. Complete the required fields and click Add Project. Once completed, your new project will appear in the CapEx tab, under the TI filter.
How To Edit or Delete a CapEx or Tenant Improvement Project
1. To edit or delete an existing Project, navigate to the CapEx tab within a property. Locate the Building/TI project and click the โฎ (three vertical dots) to the right of the project. Click Delete, to delete the entire project or click Edit to edit the project details.
2. Once in the editing workspace, you can edit any of the Project details and once completed, click to Save.
How to Navigate the Project Workspace
1. Once you click into a Project, the Project workspace will appear. Here you can edit/delete a project, submit requests, communicate with other users, and create/complete tasks associated with the Project.
2. To create a CapEx/TI request, in a specific project, click the blue + Request icon on the upper right hand side of the screen, then complete the required fields and click Submit for Approval. Optionally, you can save this request by clicking Save as Draft. Once the request is submitted for approval, the request will be sent to an admin for approval.
3. For more information and a video of these features, see our blog post Here.
How to Create a Support Ticket
If support is needed for anything, please submit a support ticket. Include a brief note about the issue(s) and Select the Checkbox to Authorize Dottid Support to Edit Your Properties for 7 Days and click Submit.