To Assign Property Permissions
1. Navigate to the Members Page by clicking your profile in the bottom right corner and clicking Members.
2. To grant a user access to specific properties, select View Permissions from the Members Page.
3. Select the properties and the permission level this user will have access to.
4. On the modal that pops up, confirm the access you want to grant the user.
Check out a quick guide on Permission Levels below!
Determining What Access Each User is Permitted
Click the link below to learn more about adding and freezing users.
To Remove Property Access
1. To remove access from specific properties, select one or multiple properties and click Revoke Access
2. On the modal, confirm that you want to revoke the user's access.
Assign each user as either a Company Admin (access to all properties in the company) or a Company Member (access to specific properties in the company). Members may add users at or below their permission level. Visit your Members page to view permissions and explore what tasks each role can perform.
How to Create a Support Ticket
If support is needed for anything, please submit a support ticket. Include a brief note about the issue(s) and Select the Checkbox to Authorize Dottid Support to edit your Properties for 7 Days and click Submit.