1. Navigate to the Deals page and select a deal.
2. Once in the deal, navigate to the Deal Terms tab at the top of the screen.
3. Click on the blue + Counter button on the top right-hand corner to make changes to existing deal terms or to create new deal terms.
4. If you do not have any current deal terms, click on the blue Add Proposal button.
5. Fill out the deal term fields from the new proposal or make any changes to the deal terms from the previous proposal.
6. You can add specific types of Additional Rent by clicking the Edit button next to Total Additional Rent. Simply check the boxes of additional rent you are adding and input the cost associated. Once you are finished, click Done and the total amount of additional rent will display.
7. Optionally, you can add parking information, encumbrances, or notes to your deal terms. Once complete, click the save icon in the top right-hand corner.
8. Additionally, there is a Rent Schedule and Payback Analysis that auto populates based on the deal terms entered. You can edit either table by clicking the pencil icon in the right hand corner of the table. Once your changes have been made, click the save icon on the top right of the screen.
How to Create a Support Ticket
If support is needed for anything please submit a support ticket. Include a brief note about the issue(s) and Select the Checkbox to Authorize Dottid Support to edit your Properties for 7 Days and click Submit.
Users at the Admin and Maintainer permission levels can mark a deal as inactive.
Users at the Admin permission level can