Portfolio Performance
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Dynamic Projections
Navigate to and click the Insights tab on the left-hand side of your screen and select Dynamic Projections.
From here you can review your Estimated Occupancy for your properties. You can filter the projections graph by Market, Portfolio, Fund, or Property.
By clicking the checkboxes on the Deal Pipeline section, you can see your estimated occupancy if that deal is completed in orange. You can see your estimated projections for the next 3 - 7 years.
In addition to new deals, you can view your estimated occupancy in orange based on any Renewals you have upcoming.
Editing Term and LCD in Dynamic Projections
Navigate to and click the Insights tab on the left-hand side of your screen.
Click the pencil on the deal or renewal you would like to edit.
Edit the Term & LCD you would like reflected onto the Estimated Occupancy graph and click save. (Note: This will not permanently affect your current deals and will only temporarily affect your Estimated Occupancy Graph.)
Leasing Performance
Navigate to and click the Insights tab on the left-hand side of your screen and click on Leasing performance.
Everything you see on the Leasing Performance Page can be filtered by Market, Portfolio, Fund, Property, or Deal Type. You can also change the timeframe between YTD, the last 12 Months, the last 6 Months, the last 3 Months, or you can add a custom timeframe. To add a Custom timeframe, click +Custom and then input the Starting From Date and the Ending On date and click Add.
The four colored boxes at the top of the page are overviews of Square Footage that has been included on completed deals, the number of Completed Deals, Renewal Retention Rate, and some the average Base Rent, TI, Free Rent, Term, & NER on your completed deals.
Next is the Deal conversion Funnel, you have an overview how many inquiries make it all the way through the deal phase and become a completed deal.
Next is the Completed Deals graph. This shows you all the deals that were completed based on the current filter criteria.
You can also switch the Completed Deals graph to Total Square Footage completed, by selecting the drop down in the right-hand corner. This shows you the Total Sqaure Footage that was included on your completed deals based on the current filter criteria.
Scrolling down further, you get 4 more breakdowns of Tenant Improvements, Deal Inactivation Reasons, Completed Deals by Asset Manager, & Completed Deals by Brokerage.
Tenant Improvements shows the amount of square footage that has Tenant Improvements from the completed deals.
Inactivation Reasons breaks down why deals were made inactive.
Completed Deals By Asset Manager shows the total square footage from completed deals broken down by the Asset Manager listed in the Property Details.
Completed Deals by Brokerage shows the total square footage from completed deals broken down by the Brokerage listed in the Property Details.
Tenant Improvements, Completed Deals by Asset Manager, & Completed Deals by Brokerage can all be changed to show the Total Number of Completed Deals by selecting the drop down in the corner of the breakdown.
At the very bottom of the page, there is the Completed Deals Table. This table shows all of the completed deals based on the current filter criteria. It includes basic deal information such as LCD, LXD, Base rent, etc.
How to Create a Support Ticket
If support is needed for anything, please submit a support ticket. Include a brief note about the issue(s) and Select the Checkbox to Authorize Dottid Support to edit your Properties for 7 Days and click Submit.